New article with CASE magazine: Laws of Inclusion and Strategies of Exclusion
CASE magazine has just published my article, 'Laws of Inclusion and Strategies of Exclusion: New Australian Asylum Seeker Policy Under the Scrutiny of Deuteronomy.' (3,500 words) It is an extensive discussion both of Australian asylum seeker policy and biblical ethics relating to 'the stranger'. I hope that, for readers in any country, the article provides a clear exposition of the biblical ethic of radical welcome. Due to the import of this topic, I would appreciate your considering sharing this post - esp. Aussie readers. Thank you.
Blogs and articles in this series (Australian asylum seeker policy, Aug-Sept, 2013):
Laws of Inclusion and Strategies of Exclusion: New Australian Asylum Seeker Policy Under the Scrutiny of Deuteronomy, published with CASE magazine.
Loving the Stranger, published with the Centre for Public Christianity.
The PNG solution and Biblical Ethics, published with Eternity Newspaper.
Australian Refugee Policy for Dummies#1: Disingenuous Rhetoric
Australian Refugee Policy for Dummies #2: Excise the Australian mainland from the migration zone
Australian Refugee Policy for Dummies #4: Australia is not pulling its weight in refugee settlement.
Australian Refugee Policy for Dummies #5: A positive policy solution